“I just want to wake up and feel happy,” Kara said when we started working together. She hesitated to give voice to this deep authentic desire. It didn’t feel big enough, world-changing enough. She felt guilty, greedy, ungrateful even going there. Her life was good. She was a partner in a business she helped build for 20 years. She had a husband and two children she loved. And yet despite her accomplishments, therapy, medication, and a personal development journey she’d been on, she was lacking what she longed for most — to wake up feeling happy. A few months after we began working together, Kara was at the retreat (that is a part of our year-long program, The Thriving Circle™). She was visibly transformed. She was radiating light and lightness and relaxation. She didn’t hold back her smile as she shared: “I now have what I most desired. I wake up feeling happy.”